
Showing posts with the label Java 8

All advanced sorting techniques using Java 8 and Streams

package com.dpq.interview.Q; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; public class SortingDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { allSortingTechniquesAfterJava8(); } public static void allSortingTechniquesAfterJava8() throws ParseException { List<Employee> list = populateList(); System.out.println(“####################################### Natiral soring by Employee Id ###############################################”); -> System.out.println(e)); System.out.println(“####################################### Natiral soring by Employee Id but in desending order ###############################################”); -> System.out.println(e)); List<Employee> sortedList = list

Java 8 - complex programs asked in interviews

package com . dpq . movie . ratings . datalayer . dao . impl ; import java . util . Arrays ; import java . util . List ; import java . util . stream . Collectors ; public class RatingDaoImpl { publicstaticvoid main ( String [] args ) { List < String > names = Arrays . asList ( “Deepak” , “Deepak” , “Kuhu” , “Kuhu” , “Garv” ) ; System . out . println ( names . stream () . collect ( Collectors . toMap ( k -> k , v -> 1 , Integer :: sum ))) ; List < Student > student = Arrays . asList ( new RatingDaoImpl () . new Student ( “Math” , 98 ) ,   new RatingDaoImpl () . new Student ( “Science” , 98 ) , new RatingDaoImpl () . new Student ( “English” , 98 ) , new RatingDaoImpl () . new Student ( “Hindi” , 98 )) ; System . out . println ( student . stream () . map ( e -> e . getMarks ()) . collect ( Collectors . summingInt ( e -> e . intValue ()))) ; List < StudentDetails > studentDetails = Arrays . asList ( new RatingDaoImpl () . new Stud

Rest API simple Application with http mothods

We will be developing REST API using JAX-RS (Jersey) and Tomcat server and we will be implementing basic 4 methods so lets get started Here is pom.xml file: <project xmlns=""xmlns:xsi=""xsi:schemaLocation=""><modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion><groupId>org.dpq.webservices</groupId><artifactId>SimpleRestApiApp</artifactId><packaging>war</packaging><version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version><name>SimpleRestApiApp</name><build> <finalName>SimpleRestApiApp</finalName> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.8.1&

Rest API understanding with its Architecture

REST is an acronym for  RE presentational  S tate  T ransfer and an architectural style for  distributed hypermedia systems . 1. Principles of REST:     Uniform Interface: The following four constraints can achieve a uniform REST interface: Identification of resources  – The interface must uniquely identify each resource involved in the interaction between the client and the server. Manipulation of resources through representations  – The resources should have uniform representations in the server response. API consumers should use these representations to modify the resources state in the server. Self-descriptive messages  – Each resource representation should carry enough information to describe how to process the message. It should also provide information of the additional actions that the client can perform on the resource. Hypermedia as the engine of application state  – The client should have only the initial URI of the application. The client application should dynamically driv

United Kingdom Sponsor Data Analysis with Java Streams and Parallel Streams and comparisons

United Kingdom Sponsor Data Analysis with Java Streams and Parallel Streams and comparisons Things which are covered: Reading CSV data using CSVReader check count preparing List of objects to process evaluating range check checking whether a given company is registered or not processing above point by streams and parallel streams comparing times b/w Streams and parallel streams inconsistency in parallel streams Inconsistency in parallel streams: Here while searching element in records which returned from parallelstream objects don’t give guarantee because records are splits to be processed in parallel and while comparing one chunk of data is beings considered to compare, that’s why there is inconsistency in parallel streams and how Spark will handle this with minimum code with consistency we will see in upcoming post Later we will compare the same analysis with Spark and see differences in execution and with respect to time comoplexity Implementation: package com . dpq . sponsors . dr

Java 8 Supplier examples

In this post, we are going to see about java 8 Supplier interface. Supplier is functional interface which does not take any argument and produces result of  type T .It has a functional method called  T get()  As Supplier is functional interface, so it can be used as assignment target for lambda expressions. Here is source code of Java 8 supplier interface. package java.util. function ; /** * Represents a supplier of results. * * <p>There is no requirement that a new or distinct result be returned each * time the supplier is invoked. * * <p>This is a <a href=”package-summary.html”>functional interface</a> * whose functional method is {@link #get()}. * * @param <T> the type of results supplied by this supplier * * @since 1.8 */ @FunctionalInterface public interface Supplier<T> {      /**      * Gets a result.      *      * @return a result      */     T get(); }   Java 8 Supplier example Lets use  supplier  interface to print String: import java.util

Java 8 Consumer examples

Consumer definition Consumer  takes single argument and do not return any result. Here is the definition of  Consumer interface. @ FunctionalInterfacepublic interface Consumer<T> { /** * * Performs this operation on the given argument. * * @param t the input * argument */ void accept(T t); default Consumer<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> after) { Objects.requireNonNull(after); return (T t) -> { accept(t); after.accept(t); }; } } It has a functional method called  accept()  and default method andThen() . Consumer examples accept() method example Let’s use Consumer interface to print String: mport java.util. function .Consumer;   public class Java8ConsumerExample {   public static void main( String [] args) {     Consumer< String > consumerString=s->System.out.println(s);   consumerString.accept(“Arpit”); } } We have created  consumer  object which takes  String  object as input and print it.It is simple use of Consumer interface to print String. When you